
Erik Blake, PGeo, PhD – Founder

With over three decades of experience, Erik stands at the forefront of global borehole surveying technology. His impressive credentials include a PhD in geophysics from the University of British Columbia and an Engineering Geophysics degree from the University of Toronto. Erik bridges the gap between theoretical research and real-world implementation, making him a driving force in the field. His extensive knowledge shines through in a trail of remarkable technological advancements.

Lee Randell – Chief Executive Officer

With over two decades of experience, Lee Randell is a seasoned business leader and entrepreneur. His expertise spans business management consulting, process improvement, and export-focused business development. Lee’s commitment is to create value by driving profitable growth, implementing efficient production systems, and strategically commercialising the company’s efforts.

Vishal Parekh – Chief Financial Officer

Vishal combines his MBA and Project Management Designation with practical experience in business management consulting. His portfolio boasts an impressive variety of historical projects, showcasing his ability to navigate complex challenges.

At Icefield Energy, Vishal plays a pivotal role in overseeing Finance, Corporate Governance, Process Control and Forecasting.

Alan Bernard – Chief Operating Officer

As Icefield Energy’s Chief Operating Officer since January 2024, Alan W. Bernard brings a wealth of experience to our team. His remarkable journey includes over three decades at Gyrodata Inc., later acquired by SLB in 2023. During his tenure, Alan held senior executive positions from 2016 to 2022, including Senior Vice President of Technology, Global Sales and Operations, and Senior Vice President of International Operations. Before this, he held various senior roles across the Eastern Hemisphere.

Alan’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and integrity sets the tone for our organisation. He maximises output, fosters innovation, and strives for market leadership. Balancing cultural nuances with a global performance mindset, Alan skilfully manages diverse teams, creating a unified culture dedicated to growth.